cartella install di windows (file msp) troppo grande

cartella install di windows (file msp) troppo grande

@REM ***** copy/paste this in a file named "CleanMSIP.cmd" then run it *****
@echo off
REM go to the mess
cd/d %systemroot%\Installer
REM get all available info from registry
reg export HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData UD.reg
REM convert Unicode to ASCII and keep only lines containing .ms?
type UD.reg | findstr/ri "\.ms." >> UD.txt
REM for each file in the folder, check if it's in the list, and delete (only) if not
for %%i in (*.msi *.msp) do ( findstr/i %%i UD.txt 1>nul || del/f/a/q %%i )
REM delete some temporary and no more needed files
del/f/a UD.reg UD.txt *.tmp

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