File necessari per l'utilizzo di Microsoft Update non sono più registrati o installati nel computer

se dopo l'avvio di windows/microsoft update si riceve il seguente errore "File necessari per l'utilizzo di Microsoft Update non sono più registrati o installati nel computer" - Files required to use Microsoft Update are no longer registered or installed on your computer


Your problem can be corrected by re-registering the various dll files that Windows Update requires to run.

To do this click on the “Start” button then “Run” and enter the following command into the “Run” dialog box

(be sure to press the Enter key on your keyboard after each entry)

· regsvr32 wuapi.dll

You should then receive a message to say it was successful. The above process then needs to be done for each of the following commands:

· regsvr32 wups.dll

· regsvr32 wuaueng.dll

· regsvr32 wucltui.dll

· regsvr32 atl.dll

· regsvr32 msxml3.dll

Afterward, please restart your computer

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